St. Vincent’s: Honoria Conway-Heather tenant, family & visitor guide
An overview for tenants, families and visitors of St. Vincent’s: Honoria Conway-Heather assisted living.

Welcome to St. Vincent’s: Honoria Conway, a warm and inviting community. Tenants and staff work together to create a caring, compassionate and dynamic community. We aim to ensure that tenants are meaningfully engaged, life is celebrated, and individual contributions are encouraged. See the Tenant Handbook for more about our vision, values and philosophy.
On this page you’ll find a summary of everything you need to know about living at Honoria Conway. Your Tenant’s Handbook contains more information. It includes full details about our policies, tenant rights and responsibilities. It also covers what to do when you move out and more.
For Indigenous tenants
We have cultural, emotional, spiritual, and wellness supports for Indigenous tenants and their families. If you choose, identify yourself or your loved one as an Indigenous person in advance or when you arrive. You can also ask to speak to an Indigenous Liaison staff member. If you have any compliments or complaints about your care, you can contact the Indigenous Wellness team directly.
Overview of your new home
The facilities on the main floor are for all tenants to enjoy. They include:
- Lounge with a large screen TV/DVD and piano
- A library that functions as a multi-purpose room. It can be reserved for private parties.
- Small kitchen serving the lounge and library/multipurpose room
- Patio with garden
- The main floor also accommodates two other Providence Health Care programs. Each is self-contained and has its own separate building entrance. These are:
- Supportive Housing: Seven apartments for adults with disabilities
Providence Living Office
Staff at Honoria Conway
The staff at Honoria Conway is a caring, committed group of people. They are there to assist you by providing individualized personal and hospitality services. Your team includes:
- The Assisted Living Associate Manager, who oversees the operation of Honoria Conway
- The Receptionist/Administrative Assistant. They assist with the administration of Honoria Conway. They are usually the first point of contact for new tenants moving in.
- The Licensed Practical Nurse Supervisor (LPN), who helps with clinical issues. They also help develop your Personal Service Plan.
- The Assisted Living Worker (ALW). They assist with the services that are in your Personal Service Plan.
- The Activity Coordinator, responsible for planning and arranging social activities.
- The Spiritual Health Practitioner. They assist tenants with their spiritual and religious needs
See the Tenant Handbook [link] for detail about the roles and responsibilities of our staff.
Fees & charges
Your monthly charges are based on 70 percent of your after-tax income. If you and your spouse move into Honoria Conway together, your charges will be based on 70 percent of your combined after-tax income.
Your monthly charge includes:
- Rent for your self-contained one-bedroom apartment
- Lunch, dinner and snacks daily
- Weekly housekeeping and laundering of linens (sheets and towels)
- Social and recreational opportunities
- 24-hour emergency response
- Personal care services (as identified in your Personal Service Plan)
For a list of what is not included, please read your Tenant Handbook.
Meals & snacks
We provide lunch and dinner every day. Plus, the dining room has complimentary juice, tea, coffee, and two snacks a day. We do not provide breakfast. We serve lunch and dinner and offer snacks in the common dining rooms on each floor at the following times:
- Complimentary juice, tea, coffee and two snacks a day: 10:00 am and 2:30 pm
- Lunch: 12:00 pm (2nd and 3rd floor) and 12:30 pm (4th floor)
- Dinner: 5:00pm (2nd & 3rd floor) and 5:30 pm (4th floor)
We encourage you to be on-time in the dining room for meals. If you are ill and cannot go to the dining room, you can request tray service in your suite. The LPN Supervisor will approve tray service and visit you when you request this service.
Meal guests
You are welcome to invite a limited number of your friends and/or family to join you for meals. Please note the following:
- There is a charge for guests.
- Please buy your meal tickets in advance from the Front Desk (see your Tenant Handbook for details).
- Please inform the ALW and Chef on your floor
Important services & features
We aim to provide you with everything you need for a safe, comfortable and enjoyable stay at Honoria Conway. For more details, download our Tenants’ Handbook.
Communicating with staff & health care professionals
In order for us to care for you, it’s important that we understand each other. If we use words or phrases that you do not understand, please ask us to explain. You can also ask us to explain any forms or other written materials that are not clear.
If you do not speak or understand English well enough to have conversations about your health, we can book an interpreter at no cost. For daily communication we use various tools such as pictures and translated cards.
Your health while living here
We work hard to look after your health needs while you are living at Honoria Conway. This includes creating a Personal Service Plan, ensuring you can attend necessary health services. We can also help you with access to palliative care if needed. For more details, download our Tenants’ Handbook.
Know your rights & responsibilities
We are always working hard to improve our care and services. Please let us know right away if you have any concerns so we can address them as quickly as possible.
Please discuss any concerns or complaints with the staff below. They will attempt to work out a mutually acceptable resolution:
- For nursing, care and in-suite housekeeping-related matters, please speak with the LPN Supervisor
- For food and common area housekeeping-related matters, please speak with Chef Manager
- For activity-related matters, please speak with Activity Coordinator
- For reception-, housing- and building maintenance-related matters, please speak with Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
If your complaint or concerns have not been resolved to your satisfaction, you may speak with the Associate Manager.
You can also place comments in the locked comment/suggestion boxes in the dining rooms and main lounge.
Keeping you safe
Your safety and comfort during your time here is our top concern. Download our safety brochure Honoria Conway: Promoting Safety for more information. It describes our role, your role and your family’s role in helping you to stay safe.
Your privacy & health records
Providence Health Care operates in compliance with legislation under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA).
Your personal information
Protection of your privacy and health records is of utmost importance to us and every effort is made to ensure your personal information is kept private. Honoria Conway staff will ask for your permission before sharing your medical or personal information with anyone. This includes your family.
Moving out
You may end the Tenancy Agreement at any time for any reason if you choose to move out of the Honoria Conway residence.
Read your Tenant Handbook for full details of the moving out process.