Mount Saint Joseph Long-Term Care resident, family & visitor guide

An overview for residents, families and visitors of Mount Saint Joseph Long-Term Care.

Nurses and tenants smiling in a long-term care home

Resident Care Conferences

Resident Care Conferences are meetings between a resident, their family or friends, and staff. The conferences are an opportunity to review the resident's care plan and address any issues. The first meeting happens 6-8 weeks after a resident moves in. After that, care conferences are held once a year.

Resident and Family Councils

Resident and Family Councils are groups of residents and/or their family members/representatives who work together to improve the lives of residents. Councils meet regularly to talk about how to enhance residents' quality of life. For example, this could be through providing peer support and education. Councils offer residents and families a chance to share their thoughts and advice to improve residents' experiences.

Click here to access our Family Portal

Family Council at Mount Saint Joseph

There is an active Family Council at Mount Saint Joseph. Please contact the long-term care Social Worker if you are interested in participating or for more information.

If you want to learn more about Resident and Family Councils in general, please refer to the BC Ministry of Health's booklet:  Developing, Supporting and Maintaining Resident Councils and Resident and Family Councils In Long-Term Care Homes.