St. Paul's Hospital patient & visitor guide
An overview for patients and visitors about information and services at St. Paul’s Hospital.

The following is a checklist to help your transition back home.
Preparing to go home
Understand your instructions for going home
Use this checklist to get ready to leave the hospital:
- Ask about your care at home. Make sure you understand what to do.
- Ask for information on how to care for yourself after you leave the hospital. Ask your care team to write this information down for you.
- Find out about any follow-up visits with your doctor or other appointments.
- Make sure you can read new prescriptions and can understand how to take your medicines.
- Learn about the side effects for your medicines.
Consider your needs once home
Some important things to consider when planning your return home after treatment:
- Transportation: Have you arranged for travel back home? Is a friend or family member able to pick you up?
- Keys: Do you have your house keys with you? Is a family member or your building manager able to assist?
- Clothing: Do you have a change of clothing for your trip home?
- Food: Do you have food at home? Do you need groceries? If your mobility is limited, you may need help with grocery shopping.
- Help at home: Will you need help with day-to-day chores, such as bathing, dressing or cooking?
- Prescriptions: Will you need a prescription filled before you go home?
- Medical Equipment: Will you need to order special equipment (i.e. a wheelchair) to help you function at home?
- Follow-up appointments: Will you need further treatment in hospital? Will you be seeing your family doctor? Have these appointments been arranged?
Going home
You’re probably very happy to be returning home. But you may be anxious about it too.
Our health care team helps you make plans for going home. We consider what you will need when you get home. For example, you might need community supports or equipment at home. Or, you might need help getting home. Our Social Work team and others will work with you to set these up.
If you have any questions during your hospital stay about going home, please ask a member of your care team.