Our facility

The St. Paul’s Hospital Pregnancy, Birthing and Newborn Centre.

Single room maternity care

The St. Paul’s Hospital Pregnancy, Birthing and Newborn Centre is on the third floor of the Providence building. It is a large welcoming space with 16 private all-in-one labour, delivery, and recovery rooms, which create a more home-like environment for birthing and postpartum care.

All rooms have televisions, telephones, wi-fi and a private bathroom, as well as a sleeper chair for your support person. Your bathroom is equipped with a shower and a large bath with jets. Please note that if you have a caesarean section during your stay with us, you will need to move rooms so that we can monitor you and keep you and your baby safe.

Our family-centred approach means your primary support person is strongly encouraged to stay with you and your new baby throughout your hospital stay.

An empty bed inside a labour and delivery room.

Support from family and friends

We understand how important it is to include family and friends in your care. Currently, due to the COVID pandemic, we encourage you to have one person —  your partner or other support person — stay with you during labour, birthing, and after your baby is born. During your labour, certified doulas are also welcome to be part of your birth experience. You are welcome to have visitors during your stay – the current hospital visitors’ policy notes that your visitors must show proof of vaccination and wear a medical grade mask while in the hospital. *

If you require a caesarean birth, one support person can be with you in the operating room as long as that person is symptom-free. This applies to both scheduled caesarean births and to urgent or emergency caesarean sections. If your planned vaginal birth requires an urgent or emergency caesarean section, we will do everything possible to ensure your partner or support person is there to accompany you. In rare situations, this may not be feasible.

For more information, see Giving birth at St. Paul’s Hospital.

*Some exceptions apply.