Susan Bello
Simulation Nurse Educator
Providence Health Care

Susan is our new Simulation Nurse Educator! She is an experienced nurse with over 22 years of experience at the bedside in the ICU at St. Paul's Hospital. She was the ICU Clinical Nurse Educator for 8 years before moving to her new role with the Simulation team. Susan also worked as a nurse mentor and a Critical Care Outreach nurse. Susan is an avid teacher and mentor, she brings with her extensive interprofessional Code Blue simulation experience.
Nursing was a second career choice for Susan. She studied Biology at the University of British Columbia for 3 years before realizing it was not a good fit. While working at a Seniors' Adult Day Centre, clients kept encouraging her to become a nurse. Her response was "I don't have the patience to be a nurse!". She loved "talking" with clients and also loved sciences; she was convinced nursing would be a better fit.
After a 20-year hiatus from volleyball, she is now playing regularly with old and new friends. She also enjoys Friday morning hikes with her friends and her two dogs (Sparky and Scooter).