Angel's Cradle

The Angel’s Cradle at St. Paul’s Hospital provides a safe place for a mother to leave her newborn baby if she feels that she cannot properly care for it.


Sometimes a newborn is unsafely abandoned because the mother feels that she has no other option. The Angel’s Cradle offers an alternative.

The Angel’s Cradle is located at St. Paul’s Hospital in downtown Vancouver. It's accessible from outside the hospital at the Emergency Department entrance. An angel sign, visible from the street, indicates the cradle’s location.

Thirty seconds after the newborn has been placed in the cradle, a sensor will alert emergency staff. In the short term, the baby will be lovingly cared for by our hospital social work team. A social worker will contact the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development, which will assume responsibility for the baby.

At Providence Health Care, we are committed to the health and safety of the newborn and mother, and encourage mothers to make the right choice for themselves and their babies, whether it is parenting, adoption or leaving the baby in Angel’s Cradle.

If you are a new mom in crisis, you can find support. Please call the VCH Region Distress Line: 604-872-3311 

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